BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Friday, 24 June 2022 – Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF) concluded its Field Training Exercise (FTX) Alap-Alap IX/2022 today. The closing ceremony itself was held at the RBAirF Headquarters Parade Square. Present as the Guest of Honour was Brigadier General (U) Dato Seri Pahlawan Mohammad Sharif bin Dato Paduka Haji Ibrahim, the Commander of RBAirF.
This year's FTX was carried out from 17 June to 24 June 2022, provides a comprehensive training opportunity for the RBAirF, set in contemporary scenarios to evaluate the RBAirF's tactical and operational level execution in military operations along with reviewing the units Standard Operating Procedures. The concepts of the exercise included Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR), Counter Insurgency (COIN) Ops, Search and Rescue (SAR), Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) Ops as well as Joint Ops.
The exercise involved all units within the RBAirF and took place within the Rimba Air Base and multiple locations within Brunei Darussalam. The key objectives were to provide a realistic training environment, validate RBAirF procedures or plans, assess developments in capability since Hikmat Bersatu VI and encourage inter-agency relationships. Also participating in the exercise were personnel from the Royal Brunei Land Force (RBLF), Special Force Regiment (SFR) and the Gurkha Reserve Unit (GRU) K9 Unit.

BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Jumaat, 24 Jun 2022 – Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei (TUDB) telah menamatkan Latihan Medan Alap-Alap TUDB IX/2022 pada hari ini. Acara penutup diadakan di Padang Kawad Markas TUDB. Hadir selaku Tetamu Kehormat ialah Brigedier Jeneral (U) Dato Seri Pahlawan Mohammad Sharif bin Dato Paduka Haji Ibrahim, Pemerintah TUDB.
Latihan Medan pada tahun ini telah dilaksanakan mulai 17 Jun hingga 24 Jun 2022, yang mana telah menyediakan peluang latihan yang komprehensif bagi TUDB, dengan menetapkan senario kontemporari untuk menilai tahap taktikal dan operasi TUDB dalam operasi ketenteraan dengan menyemak semula Prosedur Piawaian Operasi. Tumpuan utama bagi eksesais ini adalah
Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR),
Counter Insurgency (COIN)
Search and Rescue (SAR),
Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC)
Ops dan
Joint Ops.
Eksesais ini melibatkan semua unit TUDB dan telah mengambil tempat di dalam Pangkalan Rimba dan beberapa lokasi di Negara Brunei Darussalam. Objektif utama eksesais ini adalah untuk menyediakan latihan yang realistik, mengemaskini prosedur atau pelan perancangan TUDB, menilai perkembangan keupayaan selepas Eksesais Hikmat Bersatu VI dan mengalakkan hubungan antara agensi. Turut serta dalam latihan ini ialah Tentera Darat Diraja Brunei (TDDB), Rejimen Pasukan Khas (RPK) dan Unit K9, Pasukan Simpanan Gurkha (PSG).